The Stress Adds Up

Daily, we deal with various stressors in our lives. Our daily lives require that we multitask constantly to complete our arduous daily to do lists. And even then, we often do not get to complete all the tasks on our lists. This can bring on a tremendous amount of stress, especially when something unexpected arises or an unintended, unplanned situation arises. It serves to magnify the stress, that much so.

Stress though is not benign. Studies show that stress can have many negative health factors leading to chronic disease such as cardiac disease and elevated mental health risks. The effects of stress are also cumulative. Prolong, consistent stress over time begins to affect your outlook, aspirations, goals, and motivation. Stress, although not avoidable, must be managed and maintained in a healthy medium.

The following are some tips to help manage daily stress:

    1. Plan some “time out” time. Take a mental break from it all and use that time to re-fuel.

    2. Schedule “self” time like a spa day, no electronics day or gym time. Studies have shown that consistent exercise helps to relieve and manage daily stress.

    3. Take a vacation. Even if it’s a quiet staycation, the effects are very valuable and can help you get through big upcoming projects or difficult situation.

    4. See a counselor. Talking your problems or issues out helps to give you a release and provides an environment to receive objective advice.

    5. Meditate/ Pray. Communication with a higher power can help to re-center you and take the focus off the stressors in your live.

Springtime is upon us. Be present and make a conscious effort to worry and stress less. Be intentional about managing the cumulative effects that stress can cause over time.

Dr. Sarepta Isaac, DPM, MBA

Dr. Sarepta started her mission in healthcare and wellness advocacy and education after noticing a tremendous need while treating her patients in her everyday work. Dr. Isaac opened her private practice, Serenity Podiatric Concierge, LLC in Atlanta, GA.
