

10 Ways to Take Charge of Your Health

By Dr. Sarepta Isaac, DPM, MBA
Life is complicated. There are lots of fast moving parts. Responsibilities to family, friends and work can all easily overshadow the responsibility you have to yourself to take care of your health...Read more

The Stress Adds Up

By Dr. Sarepta Isaac, DPM, MBA
Daily, we deal with various stressors in our lives. Our daily lives require that we multitask constantly to complete our arduous daily to do lists...Read more

Men, Your Health Matters Too.

By Dr. Sarepta Isaac, DPM, MBA
Topics surrounding health and wellness seem to be all around us in the news, in publications and all over the internet these days. Many health trends are focused on healthy living and disease prevention, but sadly the information is mostly geared to and received by women. Men are largely left out for one reason...Read more