Single in the A.
Is dating hard in Atlanta? Seriously do you find that you have to work harder than your contemporaries in other metropolitan locations? Well, I am here to tell you that there is hope. According to the last census, the ratio of women to men in the city of Atlanta is only 2/1,roughly. Those are very reasonable odds. If you find that you are having a hard time meeting other singles there are plenty of dating apps on the market to simplify the process. If you would rather meet other singles the old fashioned way there is always something happening in and around the city these days. Not sure what’s happening? Be sure to keep up with upcoming events by following Lakol Magazine on Facebook and IG to stay in the know. Now once you’ve found someone you like here a few tips to make it all a little less painful.
3 Tips to making dating easier.
1. Be honest. What are you looking for? Does the other party know that. Communicate your needs so no one will waste their time
2. Be consistent. That means just what it sounds like. Continue to do the things that got you your significant other once you've got them. It is important that you are the same person when you meet as you are on date three if you expect any growth.
3. Be willing to try new things. You know how you always go to the movies for your first dates? That isn’t working. It’s ok to try something new. Have a long conversation over coffee or slow stroll around Stone Mountain.
Of course there are hundreds of other things you could do to improve your dating life, these are just few pointers anyone can try. What do you think about the Atlanta dating scene? Maybe you've tried a different kind of first date. How was it? Share with me at @TheEunicePL on Instagram