

The Stress Adds Up

By Dr. Sarepta Isaac, DPM, MBA
Daily, we deal with various stressors in our lives. Our daily lives require that we multitask constantly to complete our arduous daily to do lists...Read more

Men, Your Health Matters Too.

By Dr. Sarepta Isaac, DPM, MBA
Topics surrounding health and wellness seem to be all around us in the news, in publications and all over the internet these days. Many health trends are focused on healthy living and disease prevention, but sadly the information is mostly geared to and received by women. Men are largely left out for one reason...Read more

Single in the A.

By Eunice Pierre
Is dating hard in Atlanta? Seriously do you find that you have to work harder than your contemporaries in other metropolitan locations? Well, I am here to tell you that there is hope. According to the last census, the ratio of women to men in the city of Atlanta is only...Read more

5 Ways to Discover the Treasures in your Own Backyard

By Marie Jacques-Wingo
The travel bug is something that many of us struggle to tame on a regular basis. If you are like many of the avid travelers that I know and often vacation with, you are planning your next adventure while still on your current adventure; that's just how you satisfy your travel urges...Read more

Honiring: Captain Defay & Major Jean Francois

By Jacques Jean-Baptiste
Paul Defay is currently an Operations Manager at GE Power. He received his Electrical Engineering degree from Florida International University...

Villiana Jean François was born in Ile de La Tortue, Haiti and immigrated to the U.S. in 1983 when she was five years old... Read more