Training of a Woman
Women are quick to say that men are no good dogs, and for some that may very well be true; however, we need to ask ourselves this question: “What am I allowing to happen in this relationship?” If you are one who refers to men as dogs, don’t dogs have to be trained? Ladies, how are we “training” the men in our lives?
If we want a committed relationship and have verbally expressed that to our “significant” or “insignificant” other, time and time again, we must listen to his response. If he is still saying, “I’m not ready yet, we can date other people, I don’t put anyone else before you,” and so on, and we continue on in the relationship we are “training” him to have his cake and eat it too. Don’t get mad at him. Many men would take advantage of the opportunity to receive the benefits of a committed relationship without the commitment. Ladies, let’s be honest. Some of us will be quick to say what we won’t put up with it, but once the relationship begins, part of our prerequisites go out of the window along with our self worth.
Now I am not speaking to those women who are getting what they want out of the relationship but to those who demand one thing but accept another. Some of us like to only point the finger at the men and don’t want to look at how we are contributing to the way the men in our lives behave towards us. If we want a man that we can see everyday, why date men that only come around every two weeks? Or what about wanting a man that is gentle, patient, and kind, but you date someone who is demeaning and condescending? If we want a man who desires to share his interests in life, let’s not date a maln who we don’t even know his hobbies or what he does for a living. If we want a man who has never been married, why date a man who has been married three times and may still be? If it’s a commitment we want, let’s stop dating men who want open relationships. Last but most importantly, if we want a man of God why date a nonbeliever?
People often times will do what they can get away with. Women with our constant struggle of coming in contact with “Mr. Right,” often times neglect to do the necessary things to ensure that we have a successful relationship and tend to focus only on what the man is doing wrong instead of looking at the whole picture of what was desired in the first place and what is being allowed. We can get what we want out of a relationship but we must first be honest about what it is we want and deserve. Never settle! A doggish man is not a positive thing; however, let’s not be mad at the dog. Be mad at the fact that they may have received the best training, THAT OF A WOMAN.